Piano Technicians Guild
Oklahoma Chapter Minutes
November 16, 2000

Prior to opening of the meeting, refreshments and social activity took place.

The meeting opened at 9:06AM.

Norman passed out some pamphlets about the Reno Convention and gave some information concerning it. It was announced that Norman was elected Vice President of the Texas State Association in October. Dallas is next location for TSA Convention, October 2001.

Valerie Crawford is now officially an Associate Member of the Oklahoma Chapter. Ben Davis, RPT, is her sponsor.

Minutes were read and accepted.

No treasurer’s report was given.

No December meeting.

David Bonham and Bob Scheer said they would volunteer to call others before each meeting to see if that might stir renewed interest.

Each person present received a Protek type applicator from Merrill Antiques. Bob Scheer pointed out an article by John Patton in the October Journal, p25-26 concerning the use of MacLube, liquid form, versus Protek.

Keith McGavern did a technical on voicing hammers following the Renner guidelines as published by Rick Baldasin, RPT. This also provided an opportunity for many other valid approaches and concepts to be considered, and several agreements were made as to basic fundamentals steps needed prior to actually inserting needles into the hammers themselves.

By the end of the meeting six persons had been in attendance:
David Bonham, Valerie Crawford, Ben Davis, Keith McGavern, Bob Scheer, Norman Cantrell.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Keith McGavern, RPT
Oklahoma Chapter Secretary