Piano Technicians Guild
Oklahoma Chapter Minutes
March 15, 2001

Meeting started at 8:45AM and was held at Albert Evans Piano.

Minutes were read and accepted.

Treasurer’s report was given and accepted. Current balance - $1743.13

The Central West Regional Seminar to be held in St. Louis, MO and registration price adjustment was discussed.

Delegate selection was discussed. A motion was made by Norman Cantrell and seconded by Bob Scheer and accepted for either Keith McGavern or Norman Cantrell to be the council delegate. It was agreed the two would discuss this matter and decide who wants to represent the chapter.

It was brought to the chapter’s attention that a Nominating Committee for electing Oklahoma Chapter officers for July 2001 through June 2002 was initiated at the February chapter meeting. The elected persons are Ben Davis, Bob Scheer and Valerie Crawford.

Other miscellaneous items from the Leader Letter sent to the Chapter Officers were discussed.

The technical, _Dealing With Loose Tuning Pins_, was presented by David Bonham. Approaches to determining when tuning pins are actually loose, what causes them to be to be that way, and methods of repair to resolve looseness were discussed and demonstrated.

Remedies of repair such as tapping the pins, tuning pin shims (copper/aluminum bushings, sandpaper), tuning pin solutions (Garfields, Pintite, CA glue), ands oversized tuning pins. All in all a very thorough technical whereby everyone present was able to receive and give input.

By the end of the meeting nine persons had been in attendance:
David Bonham, Valerie Crawford, Ben Davis, Keith McGavern, Bob Scheer, Norman Cantrell, Albert Evans, Ed Hamby, guest Don Bonds.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Keith McGavern, RPT
Oklahoma Chapter Secretary