Piano Technicians Guild
Oklahoma Chapter Minutes
September 20, 2001

Meeting started at 8:45AM and was held at Larsen Music.

Invocation was given by Norman Cantrell.

Minutes were read and accepted.

Treasurer’s report was given. Current balance as of today: approx. $1965.00.

Guest Rhonda Ringer from Stillwater was introduced.

Under old business:
A motion at the August chapter meeting to host the Texas State Association Seminar at Oklahoma City in the year 2003 was made by Gary Bruce and seconded by Bob Scheer. During the discussion additional information as to some of the particulars in hosting such an event was provided by Norman Cantrell and others. The motion passed.

Under new business:
A motion was made to elect Norman Cantrell as the Host Seminar Chair and seconded by Bob Scheer. Discussion took place. The motion passed.

The Texas State Association to be held in Arlington, Texas this October was announced and highly recommended to attend.

The technical _Bumps in the Road on Highway 88_ was presented by Keith McGavern. Keith demonstrated how certain regulation adjustments can interfere with optimum playing conditions for the pianist, and what can be done to minimize, if not eliminate them. Excess frictional resistance was also shown to be a factor in creating problems in slowing down optimal playing conditions.

By the end of the meeting ten persons had been in attendance:
Ben Davis, Keith McGavern, Bob Scheer, Norman Cantrell, David & Barbara Bonham, Gary Bruce, Don Bonds, Valerie Crawford, Rhonda Ringer.

Post chapter business:
Rhonda Ringer submitted an application for membership to Keith McGavern who acted as sponsor. Later in the day, each member who was in attendance at the meeting, was contacted by phone presenting her request for membership. It was approved and was unanimous.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Keith McGavern, RPT
Oklahoma Chapter Secretary