Piano Technicians Guild
Oklahoma Chapter Minutes
October 18, 2001

Meeting started at 8:56AM and was held in Gary Bruce’s garage.

Invocation was given by Gary Bruce.

Minutes were read and accepted.

Treasurer’s report was given. Current balance: roughly $2072.00.

Under old business:
Bob Scheer announced that the TSA Seminar to be hosted by the Oklahoma Chapter in 2003 will remain in the October slot rather than moved to March. Some concern was voiced. No action was taken.

Under new business:
After some general discussion, a motion was made by Gary Bruce and seconded by Bob Scheer to donate $100.00 to the Piano Technicians Guild Foundation. The vote was unanimous. Two reasons were cited for considering passage of this motion, 1) to rise to the challenge given in the Leader Letter by the North Central Louisiana Chapter, and 2) to give honor to one of our own, Bob Qualls.

The Texas State Association to be held in Arlington, Texas this October was announced and highly recommended to attend.

The technical _Replacing Springs in a Hammer Spring Rail_ was presented by Gary Bruce. Bob Scheer brought an older upright action that Gary used for demonstrating the ins and outs of removing and replacing hammer return springs, both individual and complete sets. An excellent presentation where all got in the mix

By the end of the meeting seven persons had been in attendance:
Ben Davis, Keith McGavern, Bob Scheer, Gary Bruce, Don Bonds, Valerie Crawford, Rhonda Ringer.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Keith McGavern, RPT
Oklahoma Chapter Secretary