Piano Technicians Guild
Oklahoma Chapter Minutes

March 21, 2002

Meeting started at 8:45AM and was held at Bob Scheer’s home.

Bob gave the invocation.

Daniel Magar, a guest of Valerie’s, was introduced and welcomed.

Minutes were read, corrected and accepted.

Under old business:
Keith McGavern inquired about an update on the hotel process for the upcoming TSA 2003 convention. Ben said he would ask Norman.

New business:
Ben announced Norman Cantrell’s name has been submitted for council delegate this year. He also read questions and answers from a Chapter Profile he submitted to the Home Office. Thank you, Ben.

A thoroughly, excellent technical with jovility throughout was presented by Bob Scheer. It dealt with touch up refinishing.

Though initially, it seemed quite a few tools and supplies are necessary, Bob demonstrated quite convincingly that anyone with a minor cash investment and a willingness to experiment, could do a very reasonable job fixing scratches, dings and dents in piano finishes with practice, providing professional results.

By the end of the meeting six persons had been in attendance:
Ben Davis, Keith McGavern, Bob Scheer, Don Bonds, Valerie Crawford, .
Daniel Magar.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Keith McGavern, RPT
Oklahoma Chapter Secretary