Piano Technicians Guild
Oklahoma Chapter Minutes
April 18, 2002

Meeting started at 8:44AM and was held at Bonhams’ home.

Norman gave the invocation.

Minutes were read and accepted.

Under old business:
Update was given by Norman on the TSA convention. No hotel site has been selected yet. Chamber of Commerce has been contacted. Norman is in touch with the TSA Board of Directors, and they are offering their guidance through this process. Norman will also post updates in the newsletter for the benefit of the chapter members.

A welcome was given to Greg Lynch from the Tulsa Chapter, who was a guest at the meeting and will be taking the technical test while here.

New business:
Nominations for Chapter officers election committee were held: Bob Scheer, Ben Davis and David Bonham were nominated, seconds were given, discussion was held, votes were taken. Congratulations to these three gentlemen to take care of this matter

Ben gave the Treasurer’s report: $2,541.04.

Technical talk: Bob will be doing a 2nd take on refinishing down the road; Ben will be doing a tech on flange rebushing next meeting; Keith showed hammer heads that had been fixed with a hot glue gun; Ben suggested a future project like the Latino one that took place in the past.

David Bonham gave a technical on soundboard repair for vertical piano. He used an old upright for demonstration. David demonstrated how a certain size drill bit, the right size drywall screw, and a hypo glue device can effect a very nice repair for a loose soundboard panel from its rib.

Numerous other things took place such as: discussion of sympathetic vibrations, reshaping old upright hammers with a dremel tool, demonstration of the Piano Horse that Bob Scheer brought, buffing white keytops and detailing pianos that Barbara Bonham is developing,

By the end of the meeting nine persons & two animals had been in attendance:
Ben Davis, Keith McGavern, Bob Scheer, Norman Cantrell, Don Bonds, David & Barbara Bonham, Ed Hamby, Greg Lynch, Goliath and Chevy.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Keith McGavern, RPT
Oklahoma Chapter Secretary