Piano Technicians Guild
Oklahoma Chapter Minutes

January 16, 2003

The meeting opened at 8:42AM and was held at Edmond Music Company.

Don Bonds introduced Terry Cast.

Minutes were read and accepted.

It was announced that Valerie Crawford will not be renewing her PTG membership. Bob read an e-mail from her.

Bob Scheer gave a brief overview of his upcoming open heart surgery February 3rd.

Under old business: TSA update: March 11-14, 2004 at Airport Holiday Inn, Oklahoma City. Nick Gravagne will be representing Kawai instead of Don Manino. Ben Bailey’s new email address is bnbailey@cable1.net.

No new business brought up.

Ben Davis is open for suggestions as to future technical presentations and potential locations.

Bob Scheer gave an update on the Broadwood Grand.

Norman Cantrell gave the technical, A Tale of Two Temperaments. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness. It was a far, far better thing that he did, than he has ever done for those of us in attendance. It is now a far, far better rest that we go to, now that we know the telling tale of the F to F temperament using a “C” fork and The temperament using an “A” fork.

There were eight persons in attendance:
David Bonham, Ben Davis, Norman Cantrell, Don Bond, Bob Scheer, Keith McGavern, Craig Lynch, Terry Cast (guest of Don Bond).

Respectfully submitted,
Keith McGavern, RPT
Oklahoma Chapter Secretary