Piano Technicians Guild
Oklahoma Chapter Minutes

January 20, 2005

Meeting was held at Larsen courtesy of Walt Myrick.

Call to order at 8:50am.

Invocation given by Keith McGavern

The minutes were read and accepted.

No treasurer’s report given.

Newsletter report: Contributions wanted.

Old business: None

Discussion was held by Ben Davis concerning future technicals. Some of the suggestions that came forth were 1) Grand damper replacement, 2) Adjust glide bolts, 3) Regulation

Ben gave the technical presentation. He covered items concerning sticking keys in spinet pianos and what might be some of the factors that could cause them.
Such things as lost motion, nested key bushings, bridle straps, rubber grommets, key leveling, etc. Technical was very informative with many contributing to the session.

Eleven persons were in attendance: Ben Davis, Bob Scheer, Norman Cantrell, Dave Scroggins, David & Barbara Bonham, Shem Taggrt, Bob Hefner, Nathan Sobel, Don Bonds.

Chapter archive site at
For pics taken at this meeting

Respectfully submitted,
Keith McGavern, RPT
Chapter Secretary