Piano Technicians Guild
Oklahoma Chapter Minutes
September 15, 2005

The meeting was held at Oklahoma Baptist University in Shawnee.

Those in attendance:
Keith McGavern, Bob Scheer, Greg Lynch, David Bonham, Barbara Bonham.

Call to order at 8:42 A.M. by Bob Scheer.

No minutes read.

No treasurer's report.

No newsletter report.

It was suggested to send $500 to a Katrina relief operation. The majority present agreed. Bob Scheer said he would call some others for their support.

The TSA Seminar is October 27-30 in Austin, Texas.

The technical presentation was by Keith McGavern on replacing Yamaha Butt Spring loops. The method demonstrated was simple to understand and straight forward. A handout was given.

Meeting ended at 10:52 A.M.

Submitted by Keith McGavern