PTG Meeting
March 15, 2007 8:30 AM

At Church of the Servant

David Bonham, Blane Morris, Norman Cantrell, Jordan Bruce, Bob Scheer, Gary Bruce

No minutes from previous.
Treasurer Report: Same balance as last month plus interest. No dues from National yet.

Discussed offer of journals from Bob Qualls. We will pay shipping from Colorado for older journals. Bob Sr. has moved to live with his other son George.

Discussion of TSA classes and teachers.
Ron Nossaman to do all day Thursday
Discussion of SCRSS and TSA.

Saturday April 14 TSA Board at Crowne Plaza.

Next meeting: Thursday April 19 OKC Chapter meeting at CP.

Norman has agreed to run for SCRVP.


NEW BUSINESS: Delegate for National Council. Norman was nominate by Gary , David second. Vote passed by acclamation. Per diem will be discussed at the April meeting.

Nominating Committee: Ben Davis, Norman Cantrell, Blane Morris to present slate of officers at April meeting for a vote in May.

Motion to adjourn by Norman, Jordan 2nd. Meeting adjorned at 9:40.

Darren Neibuhr 406-670-6266
David Bonham gave a technical on grand damper regulation