March 20, 2008
Held at Jordan Bruce's house in Edmond, OK.
In Attendance:
-David Bonham
-Gary Bruce
-Jordan Bruce
-Keith McGavern
-Keith Morgan
-Blane Morris
-Bob Scheer
-Eric Williams
No change in the treasury report except for interest.
Motion passed to give Elizabeth Ward full amount per diem as the last year's national delegate received.
New member applicants were introduced:
-Wesley Strain and Minnie Scott who are transfers from the Tulsa Chapter
Keith Morgan, Keith McGavern, and Eric Williams were all selected to be on the nominating committee. 
Discussed the possiblities of having an informal meeting in the evening to allow a "relaxed" atmosphere for prospective new members to come and ask questions and feel out the PTG.

Edited video clips of business / technical