Oklahoma Chapter 731 PTG
June 16, 2011
Albert Evans Pianos, Warr Acres

Those in attendance: Albert Evans, Keith Morgan, Keith McGavern, Bob Scheer, Chuck Belknap, David Bonham, Norman Cantrell, Gary Bruce

Coffee and Donuts provided by Albert.

*Business meeting commenced by Bob Scheer, President at 8:48 a.m.

*Chuck opened with prayer.

*Gary read the minutes from May meeting and they were received as read.

*Gary gave the Treasurer Report $5,109.04. Another $75 has been deposited, which
was refunded by OMTA since we didn't get the front page of their program.

*Norman led discussion about the 2 Bylaws proposals that will be brought up at Council this year. Dale will be our delegate and asked for free reign in voting as the discussion progresses. Two main items are 1) Asset distribution restrictions upon dissolution of a chapter and 2) Request by L.A. Chapter to begin an annual Leroy Edwards Instructor Award. Norman will be seeking the National PTG office of Secretary/Treasurer for 2011-2012.

*Keith McGavern asked about the possibility of having an "Updates Page" for the website so that members would know when something had been added/changed.

*Motion by Bob and seconded by David was unanimously passed to send $400 to the PTG organization to be distributed between the 2 Joplin piano technicians who suffered loss in the recent tornado. Gary will check with the home office to determine protocol.

*David mentioned that Eric Williams had confirmed with Mike Gilliam that indeed all technicians are invited to his place for the 4th of July.

*Gary reminded members of our previous decision to reimbursement members up to $240 each (depending on how many attend) for their registration expenses at national in Kansas City. Requirements to receive funds are: attendance at convention, written submission to the Sooner Tuner within a year of something learned at convention and presentation of technical at chapter meeting within a year on some topic learned at the convention. Submit request for reimbursement to Gary, submit written articles to Eric or Jordan and submit topic and date request for meeting presentation to David.

*Meeting adjourned at 9:12

Technical presentation followed by Albert Evans on the "tools" used in aural tuning.